Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows

Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows




Here’s a glimpse at what devious new mechanics and Keywords the League of E.V.I.L is introducing with the Rise of Shadows expansion: New Minions: Lackeys – Generated by EVIL cards, Lackeys are 1/1 minions that, while lacking in terms of raw stats, have powerful Battlecry effects. New Spells: Schemes – Schemes are powerful spells that become even more powerful the longer they stay in your hand. New Keyword: Twinspell - Twinspells are spells that, once cast, create a copy of themselves in your hand to be used whenever you like. Familiar Mechanics, Revisited - The fiendish villains of former expansions have snuck a few familiar tricks up their sleeves – a small collection of forbidden, OMEGA, treasure, and repeatable cards have been brought back for Rise of Shadows.