Apex Legends: Ignite

Apex Legends: Ignite





Rowenna grew up amidst a war, but in a move that turned the tide, one Monarch Titan sacrificed itself to end the fighting. In the years after, her home planet of Nexus established ties across the Outlands, introducing Rowenna to the Apex Games. The Games represented everything she aspired to–heroism, hard work, sacrifice—and she became a dedicated fan. When her elder sister Diwa suffered a terrible injury at work, Rowenna resolved to support her family no matter what. She stole the battery from the Monarch, still rusting on the hill, and had a combat rig built with its battery at the core. She used it to qualify for the Apex Games, and even though the battery exposes her to poisonous radiation, she refuses to give up. No one else was going to get hurt to support her family. Rowenna’s choosing to have hope for her dreams or die trying. Now, it’s Conduit’s chance for a day in the sun.