Biohazard: 25th Episode Selection Vol. 3 - Episode of Ethan Winters

Biohazard: 25th Episode Selection Vol. 3 - Episode of Ethan Winters




Biohazard: 25th Episode Selection Vol. 3 - Episode of Ethan Winters is a physical bundle released as part of the series' 25th Anniversary campaign. It is essentially a box set of all the numbered titles. Each package version is included in the inner box, and the sleeve that covers the box is designed with an emblem that symbolizes each episode. Resident Evil (Biohazard) 25th Episode Selection Vol. 3 contains: - Resident Evil (Biohazard) 7 resident evil Gold Edition Grotesque Ver. Best Price - Resident Evil (Biohazard) Village Z Version - Product code for Biohazard RE:Verse - Resident Evil (Biohazard) series postcard set